Thursday, August 19, 2010

Yet another Disneyland trip!!!

It's been a bit of a lag since my last entry. Sorry 'bout that!!! Just thought I'd post photos of our day at Disneyland. We went the day after Comic-Con ended. It was me, Curtis, Curtis' friend Randy and Melissa. We had a really good time!!!

At the entrance ready for some fun!!!

K. Did you guys know that at the Hungry Bear restaurant they have cats that roam around??? Freely??? They totally walk around while you're eating. Apparently they keep them for the mice. But oh my gosh this kitty was so cute.

Curtis and me. I like this photo.

On the Matterhorn. Which is not as fun as I remember it being. Sad.

OMG we SO did the Thriller dance for our Space Mountain photo. EPIC!!!

OMG it was a SAD day. The day that we went was the last day that Star Tours was gonna be open. They are closing it down for quite some time and the ride is gonna be completely redone. I'm excited but sad at the same time. I mean, this ride is part of my childhood!!! I can't imagine it changing!!! I know it'll be better, ride-wise, but oh my. SO SAD!!!

This is a Michael shirt that Curtis bought for me at the Del Mar Fair. It lights up from sound!!! It's so cool!!! So of course when it got dark I had to represent!!! Here's a video of it so you can see it's epicness!!!:

I don't know why Curtis filmed it sideways, but at least you get an idea. Oh, and OF COURSE I went to go see Captain EO!!!


I think my Revenge of the Sith hoodie is my official Disneyland sweatshirt.

Another awesome World of Color shot.

Okay. So they have this awesome new thing in California Adventure called GlowFest. It's basically an outside club in the Hollywood area of the park. It's so freaking awesome!!! They have bars and bartenders in the middle of the walkway, they have people dancing around up on platforms and they play awesome music. It's so cool!!! Check it out!!!

Love this last one of us!!! That was the last thing we did that night. But Curtis and I are gonna go back on a weekend so we can REALLY enjoy GlowFest. YAY!!!

That's all for now. Next weekend I will be going up to L.A. to meet up with my best friend, Donna. She is finishing up school and she has started an internship at a production company that works with like screenplays, or something like that. Anyway, all I know is that she was at work there the other day and someone called her line asking for representation for Sean Penn and Ed Harris. HELLO?!?!?! AWESOME!!! So envious. But I'm SO happy for her!!!

Next weekend I will also be meeting up with a fellow Michael fan because the 29th would have been his 52nd birthday. We are gonna go to Forest Lawn where he is buried so we can leave him some flowers and a card. It will be sad but I'm really looking forward to it. It will be nice to meet some other Michael fans as well. Of course, I will be blogging about that with loads of pictures and hopefully some videos, too!!!

Talk to you all soon!!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

San Diego Comic-Con 2010!!!

Now that I am not being lazy, I'll take the time to put up a blog I should've done a week ago.

Weekend before last was the San Diego Comic-Con. I went to my first one in 2002 right after the first Lord of the Rings film came out. I found out that Dominic Monaghan was gonna be there and I just had to meet him so Donna and I went there and we discovered that there was quite a different world at this convention. It's so awesome it's like a nerd's/geek's dream come true. And because of Hollywood doing all the comic book movies in the last ten years it's become more and more popular. Although it's always super crowded and everything you REALLY want costs an arm and a leg, It's always worth going to for at least one day.

Tickets went on sale while I was living in Australia so I was unable to get any for myself. However, Donna had a friend that wasn't going for the 2nd half of the convention and I was able to use her badge for the Saturday. Which was cool cause I didn't have to pay for it. YAY!!!

We all got up at about 6 a.m. and I had gone out the night before for a friend's birthday party from work so needless to say, I wasn't exactly all there when we had to get up and go. But it's Comic-Con so I sucked it up and went with it. The reason why we went so early was because Warner Bros. was doing a panel for all of their big movies coming out within the next year. One of which was the final installment of the Harry Potter films. That was the main reason we wanted to see it. We wanted to make sure we had a seat. So we had to wait outside for quite some time but that was okay cause I got to lie down and take a nap. It made me feel better. =P

Here's Donna and Curtis waiting outside:

Once we got inside we were able to get some decent seats. Here we are!!!

The first panel that we got to watch was for "The Green Latern" movie that's coming out next year. Now, I don't know anything about The Green Latern. I DO know that he is part of the Justice League that Superman and Wonder Woman are part of. Right on. The trailer actually looked pretty cool and Ryan Reynolds plays The Green Latern. I like him. He's funny. Here's some photos:

Then we got to see the Harry Potter panel. Although we got to see some AWESOME footage from the next two films, the panel was actually quite short and the audience didn't even get to ask any questions. Suckage. But Tom Felton, who plays Draco Malfoy, showed up. He was such a sweetheart. Very polite and well spoken like your typical Englishman.

Just adorable. Then we got to see a panel for this movie coming out called "Sucker Punch". I had no idea what it was about and I hadn't heard of it before Comic-Con but oh my gosh it's TOTALLY up my alley. Here's the trailer for it:

Now, the trailer that they showed us at Comic-Con contained the Led Zeppelin song "When the Levee Breaks" and IT. WAS. AMAZING. Everyone knows how Led Zeppelin are like total bastards when it comes to using their music in any kind of film. But they were willing to let Zack Snyder (director, also director of "300" and "Watchmen") to use it for the trailer they were gonna show at Comic-Con. I SO WISH you could see the trailer with the song because it went SO PERFECT!!! It's moments like that that I wish I knew how to use editing programs.

After that, we all went to get something to eat and then Donna and I really wanted to walk the Comic-Con floor which is our FAVORITE part of Comic-Con. Not only is there loads and loads of crap to buy that you don't need but there is also aisles and aisles of artwork that is so amazing and SO inspiring!!! Donna and I saw this Han Solo painting that pretty much had us drooling:

It was 500 dollars for the original and Donna and I would've bought it if we had the cash. The other good thing about walking the floor is you get to see all the cool costumes people wear. There were a couple of Michael's walking around which really made me happy!!!

Captain EO and Thriller Mike. LOVE IT. I was wearing my Captain EO shirt that day, too!!!

You know I have to represent!!! Speaking of Michael they also had this Michael collectible that I SO WANTED:

It's made by Sideshow Collectibles. They also made all those cool Lord of the Rings collectibles that I want so badly as well. They pretty much just make awesome stuff so why shouldn't Michael be included??? He rocks my world.

Some other cool costumes we saw:

This guy just straight-up made me laugh!!! LOL!!!

Fandango bags.

This guy is there every year. He's pretty much a clone.

My other roommate, Nancy, is a big Star Trek fan. She made this costume herself!!! She met other Star Trek nerds on the floor. ;)

We saw slutty Disney Princess'.

The new "Tron" movie comes out next year. Curtis is really excited for it.

And then at the end of the day, we went to Kevin Smith's Q&A. Always a good way to end your Comic-Con experience. Kevin Smith never fails to please.

I love Kevin Smith. His films are pointless and just flat out stupid, but I love his sense of humor and I like how he talks crap about his own work. He pretty much does it for fun. Good for him!!!

Anyway, that was our Comic-Con experience. I can't wait until next year!!!